all about me hehe

intp | 5w6 | she/her | aries | 16 | white | cisgender aro lesbian


♥ basic dni criteria, proship/comship/map/whoever the fuck else is in that category, dsmp fan, unironically says shit like loli/shota/femboy/waifu/etc 🤮, wlw who hate mlm for no reason and vice versa you know those mfs on twitter, pro bi/pan lesbian or any of that stupid junk


♥ i make kys/kms jokes and other uhhh inappropriate jokes that aren't like offensive to marginalized groups im not apart of, if any of that makes u uncomfy, either talk to me and i'll tone it down for u or dni


♥ realistic imagery of saliva and eye trauma


♥ detailed, in-depth description about suicide ideation like a suicide note or vent w/o warning, general mentions of suicide and jokes are ok

commission info

*additional people will multiply the price by however many people there are

art examples

msg me on discord to commission me!